20 hours teaching practice with job interview
Already have your TEFL/TESOL certificate? If the answer is yes, you can apply for 20 hours teaching practice with a guaranteed job interview. You will teach real students with our partnered online school. You will receive full training and videos that will make you feel confident before you start teaching actual students. After your 20 hours of teaching practice is finished, you may be hired (if the school see you as a valuable teacher) to work part time between the hours of 6pm and 9pm Beijing time, 4 to 6 days a week. With the market so saturated right now, this could be one of the best opportunities for you to be employed.
Requirements for 20 hours teaching practice with job interview.
Must have at least a BA or BS degree in any subject. Must have a stable internet connection.
Must be available to teach between 6pm and 9pm Beijing time, 4 days a week.
Please send the following information to

Your Name

Your Nationality

Your date of birth

Your Resume

Your TEFL/TESOL certificate

Your degree

Your Email address

Available schedule for teaching online 6pm-9pm Beijing time Mon-Sun