How long does a TESOL certification last? A TESOL certification is valid for the rest of your life. As a result, they do not have an expiration date. You can utilize your credential to obtain a teaching position as soon as you finish your training program. You can also retain it till you’re ready to start looking for a job again. A TESOL certification is a very adaptable credential. Consequently, you may utilize it to find work at any time and in any nation on this planet.
What Are Some Important Elements About TESOL Certificates?

TESOL is an abbreviation that stands for Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages. It is about educating non-native English speakers. You can teach in English-speaking nations as well as internationally.
Annually, the number of people learning English increases dramatically. According to the British Council, English speakers and students will reach a startling 2 billion by 2022. The demand for this language is growing. So, the demand for certified TESOL instructors is also growing. Here are the topmost essential elements regarding TESOL programs.
Online Vs. In-Class TESOL Certifications

Is it necessary for you to learn in a classroom setting? Is it possible to complete your education entirely online? It isn’t necessarily required to complete classroom instruction or a practicum, despite what some suppliers say. As a result, a large percentage of educational professions do not need fieldwork.
Classroom training may be expensive. Some programs may involve a month of full-time, in-person training. On the contrary, online TESOL courses may be the best method to get started. However, you must pick a trustworthy and appropriately accredited supplier.
Online courses are budget-friendly. As a result, you may study whenever and wherever you choose. Furthermore, it allows you to schedule your studies around your other obligations.
Basic Requirements
To enroll in a TESOL course, all that is necessary is proficiency in English. That’s all there is to it. There may be extra criteria when it comes to applying for employment. The company’s and nation’s criteria will vary.
It’s essential to investigate visa restrictions to determine where you’ll be able to find work. Criteria may include a specific degree or citizenship. For some teachers, this might be a stumbling block.
You can teach English even if you aren’t a native English speaker. However, when applying for employment, it’s critical to have proof of competence. Non-native English-speaking people will almost always be expected to have a C2 level proficiency.
The Duration
The student regulates the pace of learning in online classes. In-class courses, on the other hand, have a four-week duration. You will learn the same concepts in this entire course as you would in an online school. The inclusion of monitored instructional sessions will be a new thing. This is where you’ll hone your new abilities. The in-class training is offered in dozens of places worldwide. Furthermore, upon graduation, you will be fully prepared to enter your classroom.
You can get TESOL certification online in a few months or weeks. So, the duration for completion varies from course to course. This depends on the number of hours you offer to study. In-class courses may take up to four to six weeks on average.
Longer Courses Vs. Shorter Courses

To guarantee that you are qualified for the most well-paid teaching positions, you can enroll in a 120-hour program. This is a well-liked option. Furthermore, it has sufficient substance to satisfy the majority of companies. It also appropriately equips you for your first day in the classroom. If you can easily put in the effort, you can finish this course in around two weeks. However, the typical time to complete TESOL courses is six to eight weeks.
Maximum Limit for TESOL Courses
The four-week in-class TESOL program has a set schedule. All online course choices, on the other hand, can be done at your own pace. So, from the time you begin, you have a total of six months. This time restriction keeps the material fresh in your mind as you near the finish of the program.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Can you become a TESOL teacher without a degree?
Without a college diploma, it is feasible to teach English. However, the fact is that you have a few alternatives. Teaching jobs are available in South America for US residents without a college diploma. It would be exceedingly tough to get a job in Europe.
Don’t let this deter you from pursuing TESOL. Just remember that you won’t be qualified for as many jobs as someone with a degree. There is also a multitude of choices for teaching English digitally!
Will TESOL course providers get me a job?
A reputable TESOL program supplier will provide you some support in finding a job. However, they will not place you in a job. Even the most outstanding schools in the country can’t promise you a job in the future. It is typically advisable to avoid TESOL programs that offer to “promise” you a job after graduation.
Is there an age limit for TESOL?
You may teach English anytime you want. It’s crucial to keep in mind that certain nations impose higher age limitations. Don’t allow the fact that you’re over 50 to deter you from getting started with TESOL. All you have to do is be aware of nations with tight retirement ages.
Why should I get approved TESOL courses?
Salary is usually decided by experience in this field. This implies that taking one TESOL course will not guarantee you higher-paying employment. That isn’t to say that it isn’t important which route you choose. It’s critical to get your certification from a company that is internationally recognized. Remember that cutting corners on a course might leave you out of cash and out of a job!
What Advice Do We Offer to Our Readers?
Your TESOL certificate is valid for the long haul. However, continuing your education as an English language instructor is still a wise choice. Professional programs, such as teaching business English or younger students, will broaden your professional educational competence. This would help you advance in your job.
It will help you boost your academic achievement. Furthermore, an expert-level program will enhance your credentials and teaching abilities. As a result, it will offer various career chances that you would not have had access to before.